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How to add a user?

Learn how to add new users in All Hours.

Marko Klopčič avatar
Written by Marko Klopčič
Updated over a week ago

Adding users will make your All Hours come to life. You can import users in bulk or add them one by one. If you want to add one user or a small number of employees, adding users individually is preferable to bulk importing. However, if you want to add a larger number of users or are adding users for the first time, bulk importing is the way to go as it will save you a lot of time.

Procedure for adding users individually

1. Select the users tab, then click the + Add User button in the top right corner.

2. Some information is mandatory, others can be added as needed in individual tabs:


  • First and last name are required to add a user.

  • If you allow an employee to log in via the web or mobile app, you must enter an email address, which will also be the user's username, it should be unique across the application

  • Allow the user to log in by ticking the Allow user to log. Users without the ability to log in will only be using Time Terminals.

  • By ticking the box "Send invite email?", an invitation to set a password will be sent to the newly added user's email address when the user is saved. If you do not want to send invitations at this step, you can do so later. Sending an invitation >>

  • You also need to add an authorization scheme, e.g. Employee, which defines what access and editing rights they have in the All Hours account. More about authorization roles >>

  • Users can then log in via the login page:


  • Here you can select tags that define users' approval rights or group them into specific groups.

  • In the personal info section, you can add the user's personal data.

  • The custom fields section is where you can enter a unique user ID and other additional custom information.

Time and Attendance

  • Assign the user to a department and select a work plan.

  • It is also possible to modify the country-specific calendar and adjust the calculation start date.

  • The identifier number (card, chip) can be added below if the user will clock at the time terminal.

Requests & Data access

  • If the user has the role of administrator or has other administrative privileges you can restrict those privileges to specific departments by selecting them in the view and manage data for departments box. In the manage requests for section below select departments chosen above. The user will have access to the selected departments and the ability to approve within those departments. Additionally, you can restrict his/her rights within the departments by means of tags assigned to specific users.

  • Without restrictions, the administrator will be able to access all users and receive applications from all users in the company.

  • You can also arrange restrictions with tags only, which means that administrators will be able to see all employees and receive approval requests from users with an assigned tag.

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