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Set basic time rules

How to set you working hours and rules which best fit you organization.

Marko Klopčič avatar
Written by Marko Klopčič
Updated over 2 years ago

Calculation rules are a set of individual rules and define how time&attendance data will be calculated. The rules can be defined on a global (Global Time Rules) and on an individual or team level (Time Policies). The global level rules are used by default and can be overridden on the team level if needed. Further on, Time policies are assigned to Work plans which are assigned to users. The work plan is a list of time policies together with Day and Arrival windows restrictions.

  • Global Time Rules
    Used by default for all users

  • Time Policies
    Overrides of global rules that can be assigned to each employee

  • Work plan

    Consisting of one or more time policies with a possible day or arrival conditions

How to set basic System rules?

1. Shift plan

Configure the Shift plan rule which represents the number of hours to be worked in each day. To change the plan click Edit in the right corner and enter the preferred number of hours. Click Save and choose the period.

This rule has an influence on running balance, which is calculated based on how much time employees work more or less regarding shift plans. For the best overview of the monthly surplus or deficit of the shift plan, check Timelines > One person.

2. Shift start

The shift start rule defines when a work shift starts. This rule also has an influence on other rules, such as Paid Time. To change the shift start click Edit in the right corner and enter the preferred shift start hours by days. Click Save and choose the period.

Shown as a white circle on the timeline:

3. Paid time

The Paid Time rule is used for setting a period within a day in which attendance is taken into account for time calculation. Attendance will only be registered during these hours, any attendance outside of this period is marked as unpaid time. To change paid time rule select the Edit and set:

  • duration parameter which defines the period from the shift start in which clocked time counts as paid time

  • start offset parameter adds an additional period of paid time before the shift starts. If the value is not set then paid time starts exactly at the same time as the shift.

Click Save and choose the period.

Basic Timeline example explained 👇

Settings are shown in the lower green line.

  • Start shift: 8:00AM

  • Paid time-duration: 10:00 (from 8:00 till 6:00PM)

  • Start offset: 1:00

Clocking: Arrival: 8:30AM, Departure 8:00PM

Blue line represents paid time. Unpaid time is marked with yellow and does not count as paid time, because we set the duration till 6PM.

Override Global Time Rules by assigning a new Work plan to a user or team

  1. Create a new Time policy under Settings>Time policies, by clicking on +Add

  2. Add a name, description and choose a color

  3. Click the checkmark "create work plan with this policy added"

  4. A new Time Policy is created and you can use it to customize any system rules (change the parameters which distinguish and leave others inherited from the Global level)

  5. A new Work Plan with the same name as the Time Policy is also created and this can be assigned to different users. How to assign work plan >>

  6. Time policies must be included in Work plans to be assigned to employees!

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