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Creating company hierarchy with departments.

Marko Klopčič avatar
Written by Marko Klopčič
Updated over a week ago

Use Departments to reflect the structure of your company.

  • Your companies name is shown by default, click on it and select the +Add button above to add departments. You also have the option to Edit or Remove them.

  • To add more subunits click on the main departments to which you want to add subunits and select +Add. This way you can create several departments with teams and further subdivisions.

To assign a department to a certain user go to the Users tab and assign it in bulk or individually:

1. assign it in bulk: choose users by ticking the box beside their names and select Action above and choose Assign to department

2. assign it individually: click on the user, go to his Time&Attendance tab, click in the window below the department's section and choose a preferred department

To avoid overriding previous membership in a certain department set a membership start date.

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